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18 Shocking Ancient Roman Medical Practices


1       Bloodletting

Romans believed in the healing power of bloodletting and used it to balance the body's humors, often using leeches or incisions.

2       Vomiting

Induced vomiting was a common treatment for various ailments, achieved by drinking concoctions or using specialized tools.

3       Urine Diagnosis

Physicians examine a patient's urine color, smell, and taste as a diagnostic tool.

4       Wound Larvae

Maggots were placed in wounds to eat away dead tissue, a practice now known as maggot therapy. Whist shocking, this practice continues today and is used in the treatment of gangrene.

Illustration showing scenes for Romans who used unusual techniques to treat people with illness
Urine Diagnosis, Bloodletting and Corpse Touching - Ancient Roman Medial Treatments

5       Trepanation

Holes were drilled into the skull to release evil spirits or treat head injuries, a procedure like modern craniotomies.

6       Herbal Remedies

The use of various herbs and plants, some with medicinal properties, to create remedies for illnesses. Of course, some were lethal!

7       Amulets and Charms

Belief in the protective powers of amulets and charms to ward off illness or injury.

Incantations and Rituals: Religious rituals and prayers to seek divine intervention in curing diseases.

8       Lobotomies

Crude forms of brain surgery were performed to treat mental illnesses, often with devastating results.

9       Treating Mental Illness with Exorcisms

Mental illness was sometimes attributed to demonic possession and treated with exorcisms.

10      Mercury-Based Remedies

Mercury was used in various treatments, despite its toxicity, leading to severe health issues.

11      Animal Sacrifices

Sacrificing animals to appease gods and seek their favor in healing.

12      Electrotherapy

The use of electric fish to deliver shocks as a form of therapy for various ailments.

13      Mummy Powder

Ground-up mummy remains were used in medicinal concoctions, driven by the belief in their mystical healing properties.

14      Lead Poisoning

The Romans used lead-based materials extensively, unknowingly causing lead poisoning in many cases.

15      Smoke Enemas

Tobacco smoke was blown into the rectum to resuscitate drowning victims, a practice known as tobacco enema.

16      Leeches on Eyes

Leeches were applied to the eyes to treat various eye conditions.

17      Crocodile Dung Contraception

Crocodile dung was used as a component of contraceptive methods.

18      Corpse Touching

Belief that touching a corpse could transfer health and vitality, sometimes leading to the spread of diseases.


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