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Michelada - Quick Mexican Recipe

Michelada has an average of 110 calories and 5% alcohol content. The main type of alcohol is Beer.

The Michelada is a popular Mexican beer cocktail that is known for its refreshing and tangy flavor. It is made with beer, lime juice, assorted sauces (often Worcestershire, soy, and hot sauce), spices, and tomato juice or Clamato. The Michelada is typically served in a chilled, salt-rimmed glass. It is often enjoyed as a hangover remedy or a refreshing drink on a hot day. The exact ingredients can vary by region and personal preference, making each Michelada a unique experience.
Anker Ingredients

Michelada Cocktail. Simple Ingredient List.

• 2 oz Lime juice
• 12 oz Mexican Lager beer
• 2 dashes Hot sauce
• 1 dash Soy sauce
• 1 dash Worcestershire sauce
• Tajín seasoning or salt (for rimming)
• Ice
• Lime wedge (for garnish)

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Anchor Instructions

How to Make a Michelada

• Prepare Glass: Rim a pint glass with lime juice and dip in Tajín seasoning or salt.
• Mix Ingredients: Fill the glass with ice and add lime juice, hot sauce, soy sauce, and Worcestershire sauce.
• Top with Beer: Pour in the beer.
• Garnish and Serve: Stir gently and garnish with a lime wedge.

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1 Minute Video on How to Make

Michelada - Quick Mexican Recipe

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